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Stewards of the Nation Book

Stewards of the Nation Book


Author: Author: J. Eduardo Malaya Jonathan E. Malaya

In parts oratory, public policy, and history, Stewards of the Nation tells the story of the sixteen men and women who ascended to and held the nation’s highest public office. It reintroduces to contemporary readers the presidents of the Philippines—from Emilio Aguinaldo to Rodrigo Roa Duterte—and their nation-shaping visions, delivered through their inaugural speeches, which are documented here in full. The book also provides essential information and insights on the presidents’ lives and times, the challenges they faced, and their achievements. These are presented in a manner that enables readers and the public to meaningfully survey the past, make sense of the present, and hopefully help them plan a better future for the country.

C2018 / Anvil

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