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Panaderia Book

Panaderia Book


Author:Amy Uy Jenny Orillos

Panaderia: Philippine Bread, Biscuit and Bakery Traditions is a documentation of the stories behind the making of Philippine bread. The book follows the tale of the bread from bakery to dining table. It celebrates our tinapay (bread), tinapayan (bakery), and magtitinapay (baker). The book leads us inside the panaderia or bakeshops from north to south of the Philippines, both traditional and new, tracing how time and the economy have changed the way the panadero baked our breads.

Read about the panaderia’s common features, layout, staffing, and how it functions on a daily basis. Learn how the wood-burning oven (pugon) developed in the hands of well-known makers. Make your own pan de sal, ensaymada, pan de coco, and other breads from the twenty recipes developed for baking at home.

Panaderia: Philippine Bread, Biscuit and Bakery Traditions is a must-have for the home baker, culinary student, and all who love to savor the treasures that a Filipino bakery has to offer.

Anvil, C2015

In English

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