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Exorcist Volume II: Spiritual Battle Lines Book

Exorcist Volume II: Spiritual Battle Lines Book


Author: Fr. Jose Francisco C. Syquia


We cannot thank Fr. Jocis enough for this second volume of his book on an area of our spiritual and ecclesial life that he knows by heart. This simply reveals how he has continued to grow from study, ministry, and prayer. I personally congratulate Fr. Jocis as I encourage him to pursue with humility and love this special service in the Church.

Although many people might think that the ministry of exorcism is way beyond their grasp, the truth is that the reality dealt with by exorcists is one of the most common of human experiences. All of us are in touch with the innate goodness that God our Creator has put in our heart. We hear the voice of conscience, the “original memory of the good and the true” that is part of our being human. We cannot deny the goodness that is within us as a gift of our Creator. Yet we also live daily with the assaults of the tempter. We can recall the many times we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by his false claims. The evil one is real and active. He relentlessly pursues human beings in order to destroy and kill. The more serious cases that exorcists handle are connected to the attacks from the evil one that we hardly notice.

Fr. Jocis’ experience as codified in this book is a resounding affirmation of Christian faith and hope. We confess that God is all good. In Jesus we have come to know that the evil one had failed to stain the purity of God’s love. The Holy Spirit has been poured into our hearts and on the Church so that the power of the name of Jesus the Risen One may vanquish our fear. In the love of God victorious in Jesus, we are more than conquerors in the face of trials, persecution, temptation, and death. This is the truth proclaimed by the ministry of exorcism. In our daily prayer for deliverance from evil and the performance of good actions to defeat evil, we share in that ministry. I pray that Fr. Jocis book may confirm us as bearers of Jesus triumph over evil.
Most Rev. Luis Antonio G. Tagle, DD
Archbishop of Manila


About The Author :

FR. JOSE FRANCISCO “JOCIS” SYQUIA hails from a wealthy family. The second to the eldest son of the late ambassador Enrique Syquia and his wife, Leticia, he and his four brothers grew up in North Forbes Park, Makati City.
After graduating from college in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas (UST), Fr. Jocis entered the seminary in 1989 and completed his training from both San Carlos Major Seminary in Makati City and the University of Santo Tomas Central Seminary. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sacred Theology from the UST Ecclesiastical Faculties and a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology from the Angelicum in Rome. He finished both courses with magna cum laude honors. He also has a Master’s degree in Psychology from the UST Graduate School.
Fr. Jocis is the Head of the Commission on Extraordinary Phenomena for the Archdiocese of Manila. He is the Director of the Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism, an exorcist of Manila for 12 years now, and a member of the International Association of Exorcists based in Rome. He completed the Vatican Course on Exorcism and Deliverance at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University.

He is also a full-time formator, spiritual director, and professor of spirituality and psychology at the San Carlos Major Seminary.

420pp, 4.5 x 7.25 inches, 450g


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