Doodles and Daydreams: From Doodler to Drawing Diva in Just 30 Days! Book
Author: May Tobias
May Tobias shares her passion and craft through Doodles and Daydreams, a book that transforms a simple doodler to a drawing diva in just a month. With daily exercises designed to make your drawing hand become accustomed to varying strokes and pressure, this is the book for doodlers who want to take their dreams to the next level and anyone who wants to draw.
Never say “never.” It’s never too late to learn how to draw. It’s just a matter of learning some basic skills and building up your confidence to diva levels. If you love to doodle, it’s time to take the next step. This book is packed with fun, practical, and inspiring exercises, prompts, tips, and examples to help you learn how to draw.
C2018 / Anvil