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Cooking with Sandy Daza Book

Cooking with Sandy Daza Book


Author: Sandy Daza

MY SON, SANDY, is undoubtedly the one who inherited the gastronomic savvy people associate most with the Dazas. He has an uncanny ability of appreciating food’s nuances and subtleties. If food were music, he must have perfect pitch. It’s talent. Sandy is happiest around food and people whether he is cooking, cleaning up, or waiting and serving. These passions are essential for anyone serious about embarking on a culinary career. And of course, there’s that other thing called talent.

Many people tell me they are clueless, not made for the kitchen or can’t cook. My philosophy: Kitchen confidence comes with a delicious, simple, and good recipe. That’s what this book is all about. A book for both novice and experienced cooks.

– Nora Daza

Anvil, C2016

In English, Newsprint Ed.

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